Physics Letters B (Sep 2018)

Updating m‾c,b(m‾c,b) from SVZ-moments and their ratios

  • Stephan Narison

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 784
pp. 261 – 265


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Using recent values of αs, the gluon condensates 〈αsG2〉 and 〈g3fabcG3〉 and the new data on the ψ/ϒ-families, we update our determinations of the MS‾ running quark masses m‾c,b(m‾c,b) from the SVZ-moments Mn(Q2) and their ratios [1,2] by including higher order perturbative (PT) corrections, non-perturbative (NPT) terms up to dimension d=8 and using the degree n-stability criteria of the (ratios of) moments. Optimal results from different (ratios of) moments converge to the accurate mean values: m‾c(m‾c)=1264(6)MeV and m‾b(m‾b)=4188(8)MeV in Table 4, which improve and confirm our previous findings [1,2] and the recent ones from Laplace sum rules [3]. Comments on some other determinations of m‾c(m‾c) and 〈αsG2〉 from the SVZ-(ratios of) moments in the vector channel are given in Section 5. Keywords: QCD spectral sum rules, Perturbative and non-perturbative calculations, Heavy quark masses, Gluon condensates