Рукописна та книжкова спадщина України (Jan 2021)
Information potential of documents from State Archives of Kyiv region concerning study of history of everyday life of state chamber’s officials in Naddniprianska Ukraine (late 18th - early 20th centuries)
The purpose of the work is to characterize the information potential of documentsof the State Archives of Kyiv region on the everyday life of officials of state chambers,namely, identification, selection and analysis of archival documents of official, semiofficialand unofficial nature, which contain information about the life and work of employees of financial institutions in the Naddniprianska Ukraine. Research methodology.The problem raised in the article combines three areas of scientific research: thehistory of everyday life, economic history and source studies, and correspondingly methodologicalapproaches for realization of the purpose of the article are also based onthe combination of methodology of these three areas. The scientific novelty lies in theanalysis of the information capabilities of the documents from the State Archives of Kyivregion concerning study of the history of everyday life of state chamber’s officials in theNaddniprianska Ukraine in the late 18th - early 20th centuries. Conclusions. A detailedanalysis of the information potential of documents from the archival fond No. 280 «KyivState Chamber, the city of Kyiv» concerning the study of the history of the officials’ everydaylife, provided grounds to consolidate this corpus of documents into three groups:documents establishing the structure, permanent staff and official salaries of employees;internal work regulations and ordinance of the state chamber on personnel issues. Thedocuments of the first group contain information on personnel, organization lists, workschedules of employees, admission and dismissal, rewards and incentives, imposition ofdisciplinary sanctions. This information will help determine the degree of satisfaction ofmaterial needs, level and quality of life, the prestige of the profession. Documents regardingviolations of labor regulations indicate the presence of certain problems in thework of the institution, carelessness, incompetence of employees. The identified documentssignificantly supplement the source base of research and form a significant foundationfor further research.