Pensamiento Palabra y Obra (Nov 2010)

A play´s libretto “Sami”. The invention of evil. A Halloween tale

  • Carlos Bernardo González León

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 4


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In an atmosphere of comedy, satire and play, we go through the most significant celestial event in the Western religious view on the myth of creation of the Universe, and the celestial battle between Luzbel who, out of pride, rebelled against God, desiring to be like him, and was expelled from heaven by the Archangel Michael as a punishment, along with the army of rebellious angels who were dragged by him (a group of innocent cherubim), being known from that time as the Fallen Angel: Bearer of Light; this is, the logos (who delivers the wisdom and the fire to men); but also becomes the supreme archetype of the Rebel, the first universal separatist and autonomist, for the sake of freedom and anarchy. And is in this polarisation of the medieval mind that appears what we know as evil: an invention of human culture. Here the classic characters of the Middle Ages are reinterpreted: God, the Death, demons, angels and cherubim, are mixed with classic Celtic spirits, fairies, witches, and Merlin, coinciding with the naturalistic and ecological spirit of the ";;new age” in a fun recreation of this ultimate contradiction.