Lehahayer (Aug 2017)

Niedotrzymanie kontraktu zaręczynowego u Ormian polskich (na przykładzie procesu sądowego z 1698 roku w Stanisławowie)

  • Andrzej Gliński

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4


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The Failure to Keep the Terms of a Betrothal Contract Among Polish Armenians (on the Basis of a Lawsuit of 1698 in Stanisławów) Cases associated with the failure to keep the terms of nuptial contracts are relevant for the study of various aspects of the functioning of the burgher family in the Old Polish period. In Armenian records of court proceedings from Stanisławów (now: Ivano-Frankivsk) there were about a dozen of cases from which we may infer that there where situations when the terms of a contract were not kept. The position of a woman in a family depended to a great extent on the terms of a nuptial contract.
