Proceedings of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences (May 2017)

Альпин үүлдрийн ямааны зуны бэлчээр ашиглах чадвар

  • Пүрэвдолгор Д,
  • Батсүх Т,
  • Бейсен Б,
  • Баярсайхан Ш,
  • Сангажав Д

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 57, no. 221
pp. 93 – 98


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“Alpine” goats are from Alpine mountain which is located in the middle of France and Switzerland. They have unique features of build. For instance: they have upright ears, red-brown color with a variety of spot, and they are big and they grow very fast. Besides they are hardy, they have good polytocous and they are a breed of goats which is leading milk production in the world. Mature goats are 60-65 kg averagely. While a goat is milked for 290 days in a year, a goat produces 1000 liters of milk, 38.6 kg of fat and 33.7 kg of protein, otherwise 1 liter of milk contains 3.7% fat and 3.2% protein. We are breeding of Alpine goats under semi pasture conditionin Arvaikheer soum of Uvurkhangai province. Averge weigth of mature bucks was 60-70 kg, and milk goats was 45-50 kg. Maximun biomass of summer pasture were 5.1 centner, in grass forb dominated pasture. Regarding to the nutrition of pasture plants organic matter were 87.9%, protein 14.1%, fiber 20.9%, MDS 10.6 MJ. Buck were grazed 3.3 kg and milk goat were grazed 2.9 kg during around 10 hours of day in grass-forb dominated pasture. Averge milk goat yield were 2 liter of summer pasture grazed. Regarding to rhe content of milk fat 3.4%, protein 3.2%, sugar 4.8%, minerals 0.8%, dry matter 0.7%.
