Дискурс Пи (Mar 2021)
A Logically Formalized Axiomatic Epistemology System Ksi Modeling Kant’s Extraordinary Statement of Physicist’s Prescribing A-Priori Laws to Nature
The subject-matter - applying logic and discrete mathematicsto philosophy of physics, namely, to Kant's conception of prescribing a-priori laws to nature. Method - constructing and investigating discrete mathematical models: a formal axiomatic theory-ofknowledge called "Ksi"; a two-valued algebraic system of metaphysics as formal axiology. Scientific novelty: for the first time, qualitatively new (namely, formal-axiological) interpretation, explication, explanation, and vindication are given for Kant's odd idea of physicist prescribing a-priori laws to nature. The hitherto unknown discrete mathematical model of prescribing a-priori laws to nature is exemplified by the law of conservation of energy. According to Kant's idea in question, if one a-priori knows the energy-conservation-law, then the one prescribes the law to nature which must obey the law. In empirical-knowledge system "is" and "is prescribed (must be)" are logically separated by "Hume-Guillotine". If this logical-separation principle is absolutely universal, then Kant's affirming that "the understanding prescribes a priori laws to nature" is wrong. Notwithstanding this conclusion, by means of the formal-axiomatic-theory Ksi and the two-valued algebraic system of metaphysics-as-formal-axiology, this article proves deductively that Kant's idea of physicist's prescribing a-priori-laws-to-nature is perfectly adequate. This deductive proof is surprising and nontrivial; it means that applicability domain of "Hume-Guillotine" is not universal but limited; such limiting-result is an important innovation. It is a challenge for the dominating paradigm that, in the consistent theory Ksi, such a formulascheme is formally provable which means logical equivalence of modality "necessary" and modality "obligatory (prescribed)" under the condition that knowledge is a-priori one. Being formally proved in Ksi the wonderful formula-scheme is a mathematical model and vindication of Kant's enigmatic idea.