Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan (Oct 2015)


  • Sukardi Sukardi,
  • Soenarto Soenarto

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 2
pp. 202 – 216


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Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan asesmen instalatur listrik (AILIS) berbasis industri jasa konstruksi ketenagalistrikan. Penelitian AILIS dikembangkan melalui tiga tahap, yaitu: desain atau perencanaan, uji coba terbatas, dan uji coba diperluas. Tahap desain meliputi: kegiatan prasurvei, studi hasil-hasil penelitian, analisis masalah, dan analisis kinerja instalatur listrik. Kegiatan tahap uji coba terbatas meliputi: validasi pakar dan pengguna, analisis dan revisi. Uji coba diperluas meliputi: pengumpulan data, analisis, revisi, dan diseminasi. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan instrumen berupa angket dan lembar observasi. Subjek uji coba berjumlah 210 responden para manajer perusahaan industri usaha jasa konstruksi ketenagalistrikan di Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Teknik analisis data untuk memvalidasi bahwa AILIS yang dihasilkan fit digunakan confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan AILIS sangat baik untuk mengakses kinerja instalatur listrik industi usaha jasa konstruksi ketenagalistrikan, dengan indikator perancangan instalasi listrik, pengkonstruksian instalasi listrik, komisioning instalasi listrik, pengoperasian, dan pemeliharaan instalasi listrik. Kata kunci: asesmen, confirmatory factor analysis, instalatur listrik AN ASSESSMENT OF ELECTRICITY CONSTRUCTION BASED ON THE NEED OF SERVICE INDUSTRY OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLER Abstract The aim of this research was to produces an assessment of electricity construction service industrial needs-based electrical installer (AILIS). The research was developed through three stages, namely: the design, the limited trial, and expanded trials. The design consists of: pre-survey, studies on the research findings, problem analysis and analysis of electric installer performance. The limited trial included: validation of the AILIS through expert judgment and the user, analysis and revision. The expanded trial included: data collecting, analysis, revision, and dissemination. The research instruments consisting of a questionnaire and observation sheets were distributed to capture the data needed for the analysis. The subjects for the implementation were 210 respondents as the managers of electricity construction service industrial companies in West Sumatra Province. The CFA was used to verify that the developed model fit the AILIS. The finding shows that AILIS is excellent at assessing electrical installer performance in the electricity construction service industry, with indicator the design of electrical installation, the construction of electrical installation, the commissioning of electrical installation, the operation, and the maintenance of electrical installation. Keywords: assessment, confirmatory factor analysis, electrical installer
