Studia Prawa Publicznego (Jun 2024)

Usługi wczesnego wspomagania rozwoju dziecka w prawie oświatowym

  • Jolanta Behr

Journal volume & issue
no. 2 (46)


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Early support for child development is a form of targeted and specialized support for a child who has not yet started fulfilling educational obligations. It is implemented in order to stimulate the child’s psychomotor and social development, from the moment of detecting a disability until the child starts school. It is intended to prevent potential future failures in school education. Early support for child development is a conglomerate of public services whose type, scope and frequency of provision are adapted to the needs of a specific child, and take into account their individual limitations. The right to use these services stems from an opinion issued by the adjudicating panel of a public psychological and pedagogical counseling center confirming the child’s need for early development support. The article discusses the legal aspects of the public task of organizing and providing services in the field of early development support. The aim is to explain the meaning of the concept of early support for child development, discuss the legal provisions regulating them and determine the ratio legis of their introduction into the Polish legal system. It also involves identifying intangible services falling within the scope of early support for child development, determines their beneficiaries and identifying the entities providing them. In the context of acquiring the right to use these services, special attention will be paid to the opinion issued on the need to support early child development, in particular, the procedure for its issuance it and its components. In order to achieve the research goals, the dogmatic-legal method will be used, consisting of the analysis and interpretation of the texts of legal acts. Administrative court jurisprudence regarding the subject of the article will also be taken into account to the required extent.
