Механика машин, механизмов и материалов (Mar 2015)

Loads of Traction Values of the Tractor’s Hitch with Kinematic Constraints of the System and the Mutual Movements of a Tractor and an Agricultural Implement

  • Gennady S. Gorin,
  • Anatoly A. Silchenko

Journal volume & issue
no. 1(30)
pp. 17 – 24


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The communication equation is received is longitudinal — angular movings of a tractor and the agricultural impliment on back suspension, having a basic wheel. Small mutual movings of a tractor and the agricultural impliment in the course of copying of roughnesses of a relief and deformations of springs of a suspension bracket of a tractor lead to ″jamming″ of the top draught WELL and to increase in efforts and the moments in back suspension. The experimental data confirming essential influence of ″jamming″ of top draught back suspension are resulted on tractive-power indicators of a tractor Are received expressions and system of 5 equations for calculation of the given efforts and the moments. It is established that at work on an equal basic surface the moments caused by ″jamming″ of top draught back suspension, make 5–7 % from lowing. At arrival on roughness of a macrorelief the named moments 10 times more.
