İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Dergisi (Oct 2017)
The study will examine the critical approaches in communication science with the culture of system criticism through alternative perspectives such as Baudrillard, who, despite not being included in this category in terms of literature, has dramatically criticized systems. The mass society created by the power of capital holding the mass media, which is the common point of the system critics that have been made up to this time, will be taken to examine the modern world order, which is the work of financial powers who want to keep the formation of public opinion in control, will be one of the main problems of this work and by going through system theory, mass society theory and partly agenda setting theory. In the center of the system formed by the cultural and ideological frameworks produced in the cultural industries, the theme of ‘the benefit belonging not to man but to the governing system’ will be summarized and the current system will be examined by recalling the basic critiques included in the communication literature by critical theory. Presidential Election at the end of 2016, which led to Donald Trump’s leadership in the US with an unexpected surprise and marginal discourses, will be considered as a sample and the background of the current conflict between ‘Trump and Built-in Layout’ will be examined using the content analysis method. Through the example of Trump, which has an unexpected systematic criticism by holding mass media and coming from within the system; the conflicts of interest between the parts of the system and the effects of ‘mass society’ which is also used as a material for these conflicts, will be discussed.