Cadernos Ibero-Americanos de Direito Sanitário (Sep 2021)
Volunteers for clinical trials: from the history of abuses and exploitation to the inclusion movement, and to an income resource
Medical research is essential to develop new and better therapies, increase social standards and a better life for all of us. Scientific curiosity has helped to achieve many successful innovations, but history also demonstrates that research can lead to abuses of individuals neglecting autonomy and integrity of the human being. Since the 1960ies we have witnessed a continuous development of international regulations and ethics guidelines (soft law) in medical research, leading to a higher quality of scientific results. An important focus lies on recognizing human vulnerability and a therefore adapted informed consent procedure. Our modern clinical trials structure requires the inclusion of healthy volunteers in the first phases of the development of a new medicinal product, leading to new ethical questions and challenges. The Corona-Pandemic has accelerated vaccine development in a successful way also leading to a new importance of healthy volunteers in the medical research landscape.