Global Qualitative Nursing Research (Nov 2016)

The Importance of Trust in Successful Home Visit Programs for Older People

  • Maaike E. Muntinga,
  • Karen M. van Leeuwen,
  • Aaltje P. D. Jansen,
  • Giel Nijpels,
  • François G. Schellevis,
  • Tineke A. Abma

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Vol. 3


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Outcomes of proactive home visit programs for frail, older people might be influenced by aspects of the caregiver–receiver interaction. We conducted a naturalistic case study to explore the interactional process between a nurse and an older woman during two home visits. Using an ethics of care, we posit that a trusting relationship is pivotal for older people to accept care that is proactively offered to them. Trust can be build when nurses meet the relational needs of older people. Nurses can achieve insight in these needs by exploring older people’s value systems and life stories. We argue that a strong focus on older people’s relational needs might contribute to success of proactive home visits for frail, older people.