Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences (Sep 2009)
Pregnancy Outcome with Intrauterine Insemination in Patients with Unexplained Recurrent Abortion Whose Partners Have Abnormal Hypo-Osmotic Swelling Test
Background: Recurrent abortion is defined as three or moreconsecutive pregnancy losses. We aimed to determine the relationshipbetween male sperm parameters and hypo-osmoticswelling score and recurrent abortion. We also studiedwhether washing of spermatozoa and intrauterine inseminationin patients with recurrent miscarriage and low score hypoosmoticswelling test in male partners could improve the outcomeof pregnancy.Methods: Between February 2003 and September 2006 ingynecology clinics affiliated to Shiraz University of MedicalSciences, 176 women with a history of recurrent abortionand their male partners were selected as study group. And159 healthy and fertile couples without a history of recurrentabortion were selected as control group. The relationship betweenmale sperm parameters and hypo-osmotic swelling testand recurrent spontaneous abortion in their female partnerswas evaluated after intrauterine insemination for those withabnormal hypo-osmotic swelling test. Outcome of pregnancyin patients with recurrent abortion whose male partners hadlow score hypo-osmotic swelling test was evaluated afterintrauterine insemination.Results: Low scores of hypo-osmotic swelling test weremore frequently seen in the study group than the controls:116 (65%) versus 24 (15%). The mean hypo-osmotic swellingscore was significantly lower in the study group(P< 0.001). The outcome of pregnancy improved after intrauterineinsemination in those with low score hypoosmoticswelling test. The pregnancy success rate in thetreated group (pregnant with intrauterine insemination) was77.77% while in the untreated group (pregnant without intrauterineinsemination) was 30.76% with a success rateratio of 2.04.Conclusion: There was a positive relationship between lowhypo-osmotic swelling test score in male partners and recurrentabortion in their wives. Intrauterine insemination improvedthe outcome of pregnancy in these couples.