Инфекция и иммунитет (Oct 2023)
A multifactorial impact on respiratory morbidity in people of reproductive age and effectiveness of natopherine- and andropherine-containing odorants regarding a non-specific resistance of the nasal mucosa and lowered morbidity of respiratory infections
Prevention of respiratory infections during epidemic periods is an important task of modern health care in Russia and worldwide. One of such approach may rely on use of volatile substances capable of activating nonspecific resistance of the nasal mucosa. Long-term application of synthetic analogues of female pheromones to young males leads to lowered morbidity of respiratory diseases, increased levels of secretory immunoglobulins, as well as decrease peripheral blood of eosinophilia levels in subjects with allergic diseases. Based on this, the aim of the study was set to study an impact of anamnesis factors and indicators reflecting the functioning of nasal mucosal immunity, its nonspecific resistance, on emerging frequent respiratory morbidity; as well as to evaluate effectiveness of natopherine- and andropherine-containing odorants regarding dynamics of such indicators and to reduce incidence of respiratory infections in young subjects. Materials and methods. There were examined 46 apparently healthy boys and girls aged 18 to 22 years. The frequency of respiratory morbidity, anamnesis factors, and the results of non-invasive studies (cytokine concentrations in the nasopharyngeal aspirate and rhinocytograms). Within 30 days, all young subjects were applied to the nasolabial fold synthetic analogues of male (andropherine) and female (natopherine) pheromones (andropherine for young female, natopherine for young male). A re-examination with the above mentioned studies was carried out on day 14 and day 30 of the study. The incidence of respiratory infections was reassessed one year after the onset. Results. The study showed identified a number of predictors and protectors of frequent and long-term respiratory morbidity in young subjects. The predictors of this condition were presented by catamnestics markers of allergic anomalies of the constitution, behavioral factors (smoking), as well as immune indicators of allergy (IL-4) and mucociliary clearance deficiency. A monthly course of odorant applications on the skin of the nasolabial fold using synthetic analogues of male and female pheromones (steranes) has a positive effect both on the nonspecific resistance of the nasal mucosa as well as on the immune parameters. After a month of using steranes, the nasal mucosa is completely decontaminated from coccal microorganisms, and over the next 12 months, the frequency of respiratory infections decreases. This indicates about a prominent clinical effect of the odorants applied.