Paladyn (Feb 2023)
Adoption of IoT-based healthcare devices: An empirical study of end consumers in an emerging economy
The Internet of things (IoT) is a technology with varied applications in numerous fields. One such field is healthcare, which has a dire need of using this technology to help millions benefit from the attention and availability of healthcare professionals. This study identifies important factors that influence the adoption of IoT-based healthcare devices among end users and suggest a predictive model of adoption. The model is based on the UTAUT2 with newer variables identified from the literature. The sample (n = 253) was collected from four major cities in India, and partial least squares-structural equational model was used to assess the measurement and the structural model. The factors such as ubiquitous, social influence, perceived health risk, and relative advantage had a significant influence on attitude (ATT), which influences behavioral intention (BI) toward IoT-based healthcare devices. Facilitating condition (FC) and price value did not show any significant influence on ATT toward the technology, but FC had a direct influence on BI. The study helps in advancing IS research by adding new variables to the existing knowledge and proposing a model based on UTAUT2. Furthermore, it also brings important practical implications for practitioners.