Revista de Saúde Pública (Aug 1997)

Aflatoxinas: conceitos sobre mecanismos de toxicidade e seu envolvimento na etiologia do câncer hepático celular Aflatoxins in foodstuffs: current concepts on mechanisms of toxicity and its involvement in the etiology of hepatocellular carcinoma

  • Carlos Augusto Fernandes de Oliveira,
  • Pedro Manuel Leal Germano

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 31, no. 4
pp. 417 – 424


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Foram revistos os conceitos de maior relevância sobre mecanismos de toxicidade e evidências do envolvimento das aflatoxinas na etiologia do câncer hepático humano. A aflatoxina B1 (AFB1), principal metabólito produzido por fungos do gênero Aspergillus, manifesta seus efeitos tóxicos após conversão hepática em AFB1-epóxido, o qual reage com macromoléculas celulares, incluindo proteínas, RNA (ácido ribonucléico) e DNA (ácido desoxirribonucléico). A reação com o DNA ocorre através da ligação com guaninas, ao nível do códon 249, do gene supressor de tumores p53. Em seres humanos, estudos de biomonitoramento individual de derivados AFB1-N7-guanina tem demonstrado que as aflatoxinas constituem importantes fatores de risco, com uma provável interação sinergística com o vírus da hepatite B, para o desenvolvimento do carcinoma hepatocelular em populações expostas. Considerando-se a ocorrência freqüente das aflatoxinas em produtos alimentícios, no Brasil, ressalta-se a necessidade de estudos que avaliem criteriosamente o impacto dos níveis de exposição a estas toxinas sobre a saúde humana.Current concepts derived from intensive research over the last decade, on biotransformation, mechanisms of toxicity and evidences for the involvement of aflatoxins in the etiolgy of human liver cancer are summarily presented. Aflatoxin B1(AFB1), the main metabolite produced by moulds of genus Aspergillus, exerts its effects after conversion to the reactive compound AFB1-epoxide, by the action of cytochrome P450-dependent enzymes. This epoxide can form derivatives with cellular macromolecules, including proteins, RNA and DNA. The reaction with DNA occurs with guanines in the códon 249 of tumor suppressor gene p53. Primary biotransformation of AFB1 also produces hydroxylated and less toxic derivatives, such as aflatoxins Q1 and P1. Differences intra and interspecies in the pathways of activation/detoxification are directly related to the susceptibility of animals to aflatoxin effects. In humans, studies of individual biomonitoring of AFB1 metabolites such as AFB1-N7-guanine have demonstrated that aflatoxins constitute an important risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in exposed populations. Some of these studies also show a synergistic action between aflatoxins and the hepatitis B virus in the development of human HCC. In view of these concepts, and taking into account the frequent detection of aflatoxins in Brazilian foodstuffs, the need for investigation into the level of exposure to these toxins and its impact on human health is stressed.
