Психология и право (Sep 2014)
The problem of crime repetition risk after early release on parole
We examined the psychological problems encountered in the implementation of such an important legal institution as release on parole. We show the progressiveness of the measure, its stimulating effect on the law-abiding behavior of the convicts in prison. However, analysis of the practice of parole reveals a number of problems: high level of crime repetition; presence of a large proportion of convicts (60%) who did not use their right to parole; a large number of disagreements between the administration of correctional institutions and the courts in assessing the degree of correction and deciding on parole; absence of unambiguous criteria of correction. We paid considerable attention to the analysis of the conceptual approaches that underpin the practice of early release of convicts in Russia and abroad. The advantages of the domestic concept are assessment of the degree of correction, and its humanistic orientation. We also describe the history of development and maintenance of foreign concepts in evaluating risk factors for parole prisoners. The author believes that the domestic and international approaches are interrelated, but the latter is more pragmatic and focused on the prediction of human behavior at large, taking into account his capacity to meet basic needs (both vital and social). The article shows the experience of applied research aimed at understanding the system of recidivism risk assessment and opportunities of repetition risk reduction in parole prisoners.