IXTLI (Jun 2015)
Dramatized and discontinuous reading. The liberating “sebucán”
In this study a toolbox is proposed: the “sebucán”, paradigm/phármakon, as a phenomenological hermeneutics spiral of the person’s emancipation, which opens in a school device: the narrated and discontinuous reading. Thus, the school as a place of stories, of reading and of writing, is assumed like a challenge to distinguish the person’s place (be called a teacher or pupil), his/her word, suffering, feeling, thinking, in synthesis: his/her singularity, because phenomenologically speaking it’s all about making place to a speaking being in his/her autonomy/”heteronomia”, politically and etically speaking. One of the main targets of this study is the achievement of a critical hermeneutics phenomenology and from the diad mimesis/metaphor of the school person who lives and suffers violence. For this purpose we take the narrative text as a main reference, especially fictional stotytelling, in order to apply the “sebucán” as a phenomenological spiral to show the efficacy of a toolbox to the service of the emancipation of the school person.