Lingue Culture Mediazioni (Feb 2021)
La sopravvivenza delle sostituzioni dei forestierismi proposte nel Commentario-Dizionario italiano della moda di Cesare Meano (1936): tre casi
The essay focuses on the Commentario-Dizionario italiano della moda by Cesare Meano. In its appendix, the Commentario contains a long list of loanwords (mainly from French), concerning the fashion world, for which Meano proposes the same number of Italian substitutes. This kind of approach falls within the well-known fascist linguistic policy, which was averse to loanwords, in order to preserve the pureness of the Italian language. The authoress will select three of these substitutes and will analyse their aliveness in diachrony. The selected loanwords and the related substitutes share a feature: the presence, nowadays, of other substitutes which did not exist by the time of Meano and which are mostly from English. The vitality in use of these three synonyms (the French one, the Italian one and the English one) will be compared, using the corpus of Google Books and the archives of some fashion journals.