EPJ Web of Conferences (Jan 2021)
Several advanced nuclear reactor concepts have been proposed in the past few years where FLiBe molten salt represents a major constituent of the core. In this case, neutrons produced in fission slow down and moderate in FLiBe (a eutectic with a mixture of 2:1 ratio of LiF and BeF2) until they reach low energies (i.e, below 1 eV). At that stage, the thermalization process becomes dominant and the neutrons achieve a quasi-equilibrium energy state that is dependent on the temperature of the moderator. In neutronic simulations, the description of neutron thermalization is captured using the thermal scattering law (TSL), i.e., S(α,β), of the material in which low energy neutrons are interacting. S(α,β) defines the energy-momentum phase space that is available for an incoming low energy neutron. In addition, it is directly proportional to the double differential thermal neutron scattering cross section. In this work, the TSL of molten salt FLiBe is developed based on a generalized density of excitation states (GDOS) derived from atomic trajectories generated using classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations that were performed with the LAMMPS code. The MD simulations utilized a Born-Mayer type atomic potential function that was verified to reproduce the properties of FLiBe including density and viscosity. The FLASSH code was used to evaluate the TSL’s ENDF File 7 in a temperature range extending from 773 K to 1673 K. In addition, ACE type cross section libraries are produced and tested with the objective of contributing the data to the National Nuclear Data Center for inclusion in the ENDF/B-VIII database.