Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems (Aug 2022)
Occurrence of cytogenetic effects under the action of epimutagen in winter wheat
Research on studying the features of 0.01%, 0.05%, 0.10% and 0.50% epimutagen Triton-X-305 impact at the cellular level, which means the way of identifying the viability of pollen in plants of the first generation, and cytological analysis of chromosomal aberrations in the cells of the primary meristem of germinal roots during germination of bread winter wheat seeds have been conducted. Research in this direction allows us to significantly improve the monitoring of same type of substances in the environment and to forecast the nature of their action at the DNA-level. Genotypes Podolyanka and Spivanka created by Ukrainian selection and varieties of French selection Altigo, Courtot, Lyrik, Flamenko have been studied. These genotypes were selected in order to characterize possible genotype-mutagenic interactions for a compound of complex hereditary pattern for a range of concentrations with maximum contrast taking into account the possible high site-specific effect. The main purpose of this research was to identify the specificity of impact of the agent Triton X-305 at the cellular level and identify parameters fully showing the effect of this substance on the subsequent induction of biodiversity and the enhancement of hereditary variability at the cellular level. Such indicators as pollen sterility effected by various concentrations, the total frequency of chromosomal rearrangements, the spectrum of chromosomal rearrangements, including fragments and double fragments, single and double bridges, micronuclei and lagging chromosomes have been investigated. The ratio of fragments to bridges as an indicator of the active factor nature, the number of cells with two or more rearrangements as an indicator of genetic toxicity of this substance has been established. As a result, a significantly weaker effect of the epimutagen on the overall frequency of chromosomal rearrangement has been shown unlike other factors of a mutagenic nature, at the same time changing the ratio of the obtained aberrations in favour of micronuclei and lagging chromosomes. In addition, other parameters are determined as more meaningful for identifying a specific agent of impact, and the differences in concentrations are less contrasting. There is also a less significantly decreasing fertility, however, this parameter is highly dependent on the source material. In the future, we intend to assess the variability, primarily of a hereditary nature, by the way of a visual analysis of the obtained material in subsequent generations, as well as through biochemical analysis, yield qualities analysis and morphometry of the obtained material.