Jiàoyù zīliào yǔ túshūguǎn xué (Mar 2005)

國小線上圖書資訊素養教材之設計與發展-以「書精靈王國」為例 The Design and Development of Online Courseware for Library Instruction and Information Literacy-Use Book Kingdom for Example

  • Chin-Fang Chen,
  • Min-Huei Lin,
  • Shien-Liang Tai

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 42, no. 3
pp. 393 – 407


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九年一貫的課程綱要宣布後,學習已不再侷限於教室裡的講課,學生必須拓展自己的觸角接觸外界資訊爆炸景況,而資料來源的蒐集整理也不再以圖書館為最大宗, 網路上的資訊更加豐富,但有良莠不齊的問題存在。未來人才的競爭基本能力是在資訊大海中能找到自己所需的資訊。就目前的國小學科教育來看,這方面能力的培 養似乎較為缺乏,因此研究者根據這樣的需求與天母國小圖書館合作設計一套適合國小三~六年級的線上圖書資訊素養教材系統,讓教師於教學時輔助使用,學生亦 可不受時空限制進行自學或課後複習。教材系統將依循教學系統設計進行分析、設計、發展、評鑑,並就教材系統開發過程所遇到之問題,提出國小線上圖書資訊素 養教材在開發時的相關重點,以做為有意進行此類教材設計發展之參考依據。With the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines, learning is not inside classrooms any more. Students need to explore the information outside the classroom, such as in library or on vast internet, nevertheless, there are full of had as well as good information on internet, and therefore the core competence of students is established on the ability of collecting and integrating right information in the future. But the training of such a capability is seemed to he ignored in the elementary curriculum. In our study, we cooperate with Taipei Municipal Tien-mu elementary school library to design and develop an online courseware that assists teachers in enhancing students' general capacity of information in the instruction of using libraries, and the series of courseware is suited for the elementary school students from third grade to sixth grade. We also propose the key points while developing the courseware of elementary schools' library information to he referred by other research workers with the same goal.
