BAR: Brazilian Administration Review (Nov 2021)
Developing operational capabilities in the collaborative practice-adoption process through different triadic structures
Our study investigates how collaboration from a triadic perspective affects the development of operational capabilities through a practice-adoption process. This research conducted a multiple case study in three triads in Brazil. The results imply that inter-organizational collaboration plays a positive role by moderating the relationship between information technology practices and the development of customization, responsiveness, and cooperation capabilities. Moreover, sharing information emerges as a critical factor for these three capabilities when collaboration is present. In addition, collaboration enables the development of improvement-thinking, dyadic-diffused relationships between buyer-supplier or supplier-supplier in an open triad. In this triadic structure, the first-tier supplier plays a unique role in information sharing and capabilities development. On the other hand, to ensure the development of other capabilities, such as responsiveness, the buyer and second-tier supplier must expand their connection to form at least a transitional structure.