Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Gymnica (Sep 2010)

Zápis šesti až osmiletých dětí do kurzů sjezdového lyžování ve Slovinsku Enrolling 6–8 year old children in alpine skiing courses in Slovenia

  • Nina Makuc,
  • Mateja Videmšek,
  • Jože Štihec

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 40, no. 1
pp. 15 – 22


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<strong>V&Yacute;CHODISKA</strong>: Lyžov&aacute;n&iacute; je sportovn&iacute; aktivitou, kterou vět&scaron;ina dět&iacute; r&aacute;da praktikuje, a proto se r&aacute;dy zapisuj&iacute; do různ&yacute;ch kurzů organizovan&yacute;ch lyžařsk&yacute;mi &scaron;kolami, společnostmi a kluby. <strong>C&Iacute;L</strong>: Studie měla za c&iacute;l analyzovat důvody rodičů a z&aacute;jmy spojen&eacute; se z&aacute;pisem jejich dět&iacute; do kurzů sjezdov&eacute;ho lyžov&aacute;n&iacute; a stanovit, jak vzděl&aacute;n&iacute; rodičů a jejich měs&iacute;čn&iacute; př&iacute;jem ovlivňuj&iacute; četnost, s jakou jejich děti nav&scaron;těvuj&iacute; lyžařsk&eacute; kurzy. <strong>METODY</strong>: Provedli jsme průzkum mezi 250 rodiči dět&iacute; ve věku 6&ndash;8 let, a to za použit&iacute; dotazn&iacute;ku se 17 proměnn&yacute;mi. Byly vypoč&iacute;t&aacute;ny frekvenčn&iacute; a kontingentačn&iacute; tabulky. Statistick&aacute; v&aacute;ha vztahů mezi proměnn&yacute;mi byla ověřena kontingentačn&iacute;m koeficientem. <strong>V&Yacute;SLEDKY</strong>: V&yacute;sledky uk&aacute;zaly, že polovina rodičů alespoň jednou zapsala sv&eacute; d&iacute;tě do kurzu sjezdov&eacute;ho lyžov&aacute;n&iacute;. Rodiče s vy&scaron;&scaron;&iacute;m vzděl&aacute;n&iacute;m a vy&scaron;&scaron;&iacute;m měs&iacute;čn&iacute;m př&iacute;jmem zapisuj&iacute; sv&eacute; děti do kurzů sjezdov&eacute;ho lyžov&aacute;n&iacute; častěji. Osoba, kter&aacute; v r&aacute;mci rodiny navrhuje, aby se d&iacute;tě zapsalo do takov&eacute;ho kurzu, je vět&scaron;inou otec. Ve v&iacute;ce než polovině rodin oba rodiče lyžuj&iacute;; ov&scaron;em tři čtvrtiny rodin spolu nikdy nechod&iacute; lyžovat nebo toto praktikuj&iacute; jen zř&iacute;dka. Otcov&eacute; hodnot&iacute; sv&eacute; lyžařsk&eacute; dovednosti l&eacute;pe než matky. Důvod nejčastěji uv&aacute;děn&yacute; v souvislosti s t&iacute;m, proč dan&eacute; d&iacute;tě nebylo zaps&aacute;no do kurzu sjezdov&eacute;ho lyžov&aacute;n&iacute;, byly finančn&iacute; obt&iacute;že. Důvody rodičů pro to, aby se jejich děti naučily lyžovat, byly tyto: v&iacute;ce než polovina rodičů si mysl&iacute;, že by se jejich děti měly naučit dobře lyžovat, a 30 % rodičů přisuzuje velkou důležitost bezpečnosti na lyžařsk&yacute;ch svaz&iacute;ch. Pouze 5 % rodičů by chtělo, aby se jejich d&iacute;tě &uacute;častnilo lyžařsk&yacute;ch z&aacute;vodů. <strong>Z&Aacute;VĚRY</strong>: Na&scaron;e zji&scaron;těn&iacute; pomohou organiz&aacute;torům lyžařsk&yacute;ch kurzů l&eacute;pe pochopit, jak&eacute; důvody vedou rodiče, aby zapisovali sv&eacute; děti do lyžařsk&yacute;ch kurzů. Když m&aacute; d&iacute;tě možnost učit se tomuto sportu, pak l&eacute;pe rozv&iacute;j&iacute; sv&eacute; zdrav&eacute; n&aacute;vyky. Pokud jsou někter&eacute; z těchto n&aacute;vyků zaměřeny na sport, bude lyžov&aacute;n&iacute; bezpochyby figurovat na seznamu rekreačn&iacute;ch aktivit tohoto d&iacute;těte.<strong>BACKGROUND</strong>: Skiing is clearly a sport activity most children enjoy practising and are thus happy to enroll in various courses organised by skiing schools, societies and clubs. <strong>OBJECTIVE</strong>: The study aimed to analyse parents' reasons for and interests in enrolling their children in an Alpine skiing course and to establish how parents' education and monthly income levels relate to the frequency of children attending a skiing course. <strong>METHODS</strong>: We surveyed 250 parents of 6 to 8 year old children using a questionnaire with 17 variables. Frequencies and contingency tables were calculated. The statistical significance of relationships between the variables was tested by a contingency coefficient. <strong>RESULTS</strong>: The results showed that one half of the parents had enrolled their child in an Alpine skiing course at least once. Parents with a higher level of education and higher monthly income enroll their children more frequently in an Alpine skiing course. The person proposing to enroll a child in the course is mostly the father. In more than one half of the families both parents ski; however, three quarters of the families never or rarely go skiing together. The fathers assessed their skiing skills higher than the mothers. The reason most often stated for not having yet enrolled their child in an Alpine skiing course was financial difficulties. The parents' goals for children concerning skiing are as follows: more than one half of the parents believe their child should learn to ski well and 30% of parents attribute a high level of importance to safety on ski slopes. Only 5% of the parents would like their child to engage in competitive skiing. <strong>CONCLUSIONS</strong>: Our findings will help organisers of ski courses to better understand parents' reasons for sending children to ski courses. If a child has the opportunity to learn this sport, they are able to develop permanent healthy habits. If some of these habits are dedicated to sports, skiing will undoubtedly figure on the list of their recreational activities.
