The purpose of this work is to analyze the stability of four slopes along the Penipe–Baños road, which is situated in the provinces of Chimborazo and Tungurahua and where there are occasionally rockfalls that hinder passage and endanger road users. The methodology used to conduct the analysis was based on data collection with the help of remote techniques such as structure from motion, which allows us to obtain slope data using photogrammetry. Empirical methods such as slope mass rating, Q-slope, the kinematic method and the Rockfall Hazard Rating System method were used. These methods were evaluated with Rocfall3 software for the analysis of the fall trajectory of rock blocks. The results of this work show that the slopes studied do not represent a greater risk to the road than other slopes close to those studied, but these could not be analyzed due to their lack of accessibility and the danger of obtaining data under those conditions. The study of these different methods demonstrates the reliability of low-cost, remote techniques in the facilitation of analysis in places with similar conditions.