This study aimed to determine what effects in utero heat stress (IUHS) in pigs may have on quality of processed pork products. In two experiments, patties and emulsion sausages were prepared from lean and fat from pigs subjected to IUHS or in utero thermoneutral (IUTN) conditions. Patties formulated to contain 25% added fat had altered textural properties compared to those without additional fat, as shown by lower hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, and chewiness values (p p > 0.05). In general, 25% added fat patties had greater L*, a*, b*, hue angle, and chroma values than lean patties (p p p < 0.05), although the magnitude of these differences was slight. Overall, the findings of this study suggest IUHS would have minimal impacts on the functional properties of raw pork, resulting in similar final quality of processed products to IUTN.