Revista Eletrônica Competências Digitais para Agricultura Familiar (Dec 2018)
New connections for rural development: Family Farming and the perspective of the Young Administrator
This work aims to analyse the relationship between the curricular proposal of the training course of the Federal University of Fronteira Sul (UFFS) Administration Course, Cerro Largo Campus, and the perspective of rural development perceived by the children of farmers graduated between 2014 and 2016 and graduating students in 2017/2. For this, participative research of qualitative and descriptive nature was chosen. To meet the objective proposed, an interview with a pre-established itinerary was used, with a sample of 18 people, in order to obtain information about the relationship between the curricular proposal of the course and the development of rural property. The application of the survey occurred in the second half of 2017. Among the results obtained, the analysed indexes of greater representativity refer to the workforce used in the property, which is mainly familiar, and the relative importance of the training course of the Administration Course. Finally, it is understood the great benefit that the Administration Course concentrates with the Rural Development and Agroindustrial Management training line, involving extensive discussions about the agricultural and agroindustrial reality, thus helping agricultural and agro-industrial development.