An-Nida' (Dec 2024)

Dynamicizing the Discourse of Hadith: Study of HR. Bukhārī No. 1291 and Abū Dāwūd No. 4291 from a Philosophical Hermeneutics Perspective

  • Fachruli Isra Rukmana,
  • Aldi Hidayat,
  • Nur Laili Nabilah Nazahah Najiyah,
  • Mohammad Fahmi Abdul Hamid,
  • Sri Kurniati Yuzar

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 48, no. 2


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The study of ḥadīth has experienced stagnation compared to the study of the Qur'an, which tends to show a proliferation of ideas. The dominance of isnād (chain of transmission) studies, debates over the designation of ḥadīth as a secondary source of Islam, and the use of certain ḥadīth to reject renewal have played central roles in the stagnation of ḥadīth. One ḥadīth often used to oppose renewal is the prohibition against lying in the name of Muhammad, as narrated by al-Bukhārī. This ḥadīth will be reexamined through the lens of the ḥadīth on tajdīd (renewal). However, before proceeding to this reading, this article proposes three research questions correlating with the stagnation of ḥadīth discourse. First, how has the discourse of ḥadīth developed in the modern world? Second, how can Gadamer’s hermeneutics, as an ontological framework, be applied to revitalize ḥadīth discourse? This research is qualitative in nature, employing a library research approach. It produces two conclusions. First, (elaborate on the stagnation of ḥadīth alongside the shortcomings of modern interpretations). Second, classical and modern ḥadīth sciences have yet to fully guarantee the authenticity of matn (content) exactly as intended by the Prophet, even though the prohibition against fabricating ḥadīth implicitly demands the sterilization of ḥadīth from additional phrasing by narrators. Therefore, this article proposes originalization as the implicit call of the ḥadīth narrated by al-Bukhārī, as well as the practice of the ḥadīth on tajdīd narrated by Abū Dāwūd. Originalization will eventually open new avenues for ḥadīth discourse, such as ḥadīth revisionism, memory phenomenology, the archaeology and anthropology of narrators, and more. Abstrak: Studi hadis mengalami stagnansi jika dibandingkan dengan studi al-Qur'an yang cenderung mengalami profilifikasi gagasan. Dominasi kajian sanad, pro-kontra penobatan hadis sebagai sumber sekunder Islam hingga penggunaan beberapa hadis untuk menolak pembaharuan memainkan peran sentral bagi stagnansi hadis. Salah satu hadis yang kadang digunakan untuk menolak pembaharuan ialah hadis larangan berbohong atas nama Muhammad riwayat Bukhari. Hadis tersebut akan kami baca ulang menggunakan hadis tajdīd. Namun sebelum melangkah ke pembacaan tersebut, artikel ini akan mengajukan tiga rumusan masalah yang berkorelasi dengan stagnansi diskursus hadis. Pertama, bagaimana perkembangan diskursus hadis dalam dunia modern? Kedua, bagaimana aplikasi hermeneutika Gadamer sebagai kerangka ontologis dalam mendinamisasi diskursus hadis? Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kepustakaan (library research). Penelitian ini mengasilkan dua kesimpulan. Pertama, (paparkan tentang stagnansi hadis sekaligus kekurangan tafsir modern). Kedua, ilmu hadis klasik dan modern belum mampu menjamin keaslian matan sepersis yang dikehendaki Nabi padahal larangan memalsukan hadis secara tersirat menuntut sterilisasi hadis dari redaksi tambahan perawi. Karena itu, artikel ini mengajukan orisinalisasi sebagai panggilan tersirat HR. Bukhari sekaligus pengamalan atas hadis tajdīd riwayat Abū Dāwūd. Orisinalisasi nantinya akan membuka wacana baru hadis, seperti revisionism hadis, fenomenologi ingatan, arkeologi dan antropologi perawi, dan lain-lain.
