Industrial tests of different methods of soil samples testing for the presence of eggs of nematodes – pathogens of parasitic diseases of sheep
Under current conditions, livestock farming, where a large number of animals are kept in restricted areas, creates all the prerequisites for intensive parasitic contamination of the environment. The objects of the environment, including the soil, are an important link in the development of pathogens of parasitic diseases. Out of all objects, soil plays a major role in the emergence of invasive diseases, since it is the main factor in the transmission of diseases. In this regard, the issue of studying contamination of soil with invasive elements remains relevant. Knowledge of the level of soil contamination with invasive elements enables to develop strategies for conducting economic activity taking into account its actual pollution and to plan well-grounded measures to overcome invasive diseases. However, it remains important to choose an effective research method, which today has a large number. In this regard, the purpose of our research was to find out the sensitivity of the methods of soil study on nematode eggs, in particular regarding the digestive system strontium, and the species Trichuris sp., S. papillosus, S. ovis and A. bovis. The obtained data indicate that the use of well-known (Romanenko-Hudzhabidze, Dolbin et al.) and advanced methods of sanitary-parasitological research proved to be suitable for the establishment of soil contamination by eggs of nematodes. However, the most effective method was the improved method, as it allows to detect the greatest number of nematode eggs in the samples under investigation (by 30.41 and 68.21%, as compared with the methods of Dolbin et al. and Romanenko-Gudzhabidze, respectively). In addition, the proposed method is more effective than the number of eggs per kg of soil (30.41 and 64.68%, respectively, for Dolbin et al. and Romanenko-Gudzhabidze). The high efficiency of the new method is also confirmed by the indicators of the ommogram, according to which it allows to find in the samples of soil eggs the strontium of the digestive organs, in particular Nematodirus sp., as well as nematodes of species Trichuris sp., S. papillosus, S. ovis, A. bovis. Their number was higher than Dolbin et al. and Romanenko-Gudzhabidze. Thus, the data obtained have an important theoretical and practical significance, since they allow a well-grounded choice of the method of soil study to establish its contamination with nematode eggs, taking into account the effectiveness of a particular species of the parasite.