Iranian Journal of Information Processing & Management (Mar 2024)

Examining career opportunities and skills in the field of knowledge and information science and matching with the university cources

  • Shahnaz Khademizadeh

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 39, no. 3
pp. 915 – 946


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The analysis of job advertisements reflects the expectations of employers regarding job responsibilities and qualificationsThe analysis of job advertisements reflects the expectations of employers regarding job responsibilities and qualifications for graduates to enter the labor market. This method gives students and planners the opportunity to include appropriate training in the development of university course topics in their field. Therefore, the purpose of the current research is to investigate job opportunities in the field of knowledge and information science in the world and to match the topics of university courses in this field in Iran. The current research is applied in terms of purpose and qualitative in terms of data collection method, which was done with systematic review technique. Articles were retrieved from two important scientific databases (Scopus and Web of Science) by following Prisma's preferred instructions for reviewing research literature and after screening and entering the study in terms of research purpose, job titles, subject headings in the articles, society purpose, the type of organization that the research is about, and the access space were investigated. The statistical population is covered by texts that were published in Latin during 1923 to 2023. After searching the databases and retrieving 11,968 documents, cleaning and removing the overlapping items was done. And finally, 223 document related to job opportunities and skills in the field of information science and epistemology were selected. There are various job opportunities available to graduates of knowledge and information science. However, despite the job growth in this field and according to the content analysis of the headlines compiled by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in Iran, although they cover some job titles to some extent, this amount is not enough. The findings show that the job titles found with them were classified into seven job categories including: technical service positions, information service positions, research positions, educational positions, information and communication technology positions, reference positions, and management skills. The results showed that although the topics related to computer science and programming are among the topics needed to respond to the job market with regard to job titles, these topics are not sufficiently developed in the courses of knowledge and information science. In general, the results show the need to revise the content of the beginning of the chapter of university courses to provide the expertise and qualifications needed for graduates, one of the main gaps in the bachelor's degree, then master's degree and doctorate in this field in Iran. Expanding the curriculum with an interdisciplinary approach and using new technologies to develop skills in this area is a viable idea.
