Diversitas Journal (Nov 2016)
Being an indigenous child: guardianship council and human rights / Ser criança indígena: conselho tutelar e os direitos humanos
This work of the evaluative assumption of Education and Human Rights subject: a necessary debate on education for diversity, given by Professor Humberto Miranda in the Course of Graduate Studies in Culture and History of Indigenous Peoples, which occurred in May 2015 to March 2016, which is offered by the Rural Federal University of Pernambuco in partnership with the National Network of Initial Training and Continuing Basic Education Professionals - RENAFORM. The problems that emerged in the development of this work was to understand how that gives the performance of the Indigenous Child Protection Council in cases of violations of human rights of indigenous junior? To this end, the research aims to present an overview of the human rights of indigenous children legally constituted by the Child and Adolescent (Law 8.069 / 90). Important legal framework for indigenous children can have their rights respected and, above all, made effective in their daily lives. documentary analysis of the own Statute 8069/90, the LDB 9394/96 and authors as Digiácomo (2015) was developed methodologically; Sarmento (2012); Freire (1997) and other legal documents Brazil (1990, 1996, 2015) that specifically address the issue on screen. Through studies on the issue in question, it can be concluded that the Statute of Children and Adolescents is experienced by an indigenous child protection agency, which need training to handle taken necessary measures to situations that violate the rights of children and adolescents in the social environment in which they operate.