Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem ()

Use of nursing technologies for safe perioperative pediatric care

  • Sheila Cristina da Silva Ferraz,
  • Patrícia Kuerten Rocha,
  • Andreia Tomazoni,
  • Roberta Waterkemper,
  • Soraia Dornelles Schoeller,
  • Maria Elena Echevarría-Guanilo



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ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the nursing team’s perception about the use of technology for safe perioperative pediatric care, through photographs. Method: A qualitative study using the theoretical framework of Nietsche Specific Nursing Technology, with a total of 18 perioperative nursing professionals from a general hospital in southern Brazil. Data collection occurred from June to August 2018, from a semi-structured interview and photograph production. They were analyzed through the Thematic Content Analysis. Approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Results: The Nursing Technologies category used for the safety of the pediatric patient in the perioperative period, with 250 photographs illustrating facts, situations and artifacts considered nursing technologies used in safe care. Conclusions: In the team’s perception, patient safety involves the use of technologies integrated to perioperative care and structural, physical and input aspects.
