Технологія виробництва і переробки продуктів тваринництва (Nov 2020)
Digestiveness of nutrients and nitrogen balance in rabbits with different quantities of feed additives in feed
To study the effect of different doses of feed additive TC VMP in the composition of complete feed granular feed on the digestibility of nutrients and retention of Nitrogen in young rabbits with intensive cultivation technology, a scientific and economic experiment was conducted. To carry out a balance experiment, four rabbits were selected from each group of test animals, which were placed individually in specially equipped cages. The experiment was performed by the method of groups in three periods: preparatory – 7 days, preliminary – 5 days, accounting – 6 days. Analysis of feed, feces, urine was performed according to generally accepted methods of zoochemical analysis. For feeding young animals of experimental groups of rabbits used complete ration granular feed, in the structure of which there was a different content of feed additives. Rabbits were fed complete feed granular feed where the content of wheat bran was – 25.7%, barley grain – 13.0%, corn grain – 5.0%, soybean meal – 2.5%, sunflower meal – 15.0%, hay flour alfalfa – 25.0%, oats – 10.0%, table salt – 0.35%. The nutritional value of granular complete feed for all experimental groups of rabbits was the same. According to the balance experiment, the best indicators of nutrient digestibility were found in young rabbits of New Zealand breed, with a feeding dose of feed additive TC VMP in the composition of granular feed – 3.5%. At this dose, the coefficient of digestibility of organic matter was 63.3%, crude protein – 67.9, crude fat – 74.1, crude fiber – 24.8 and nitrogen-free extractives – 72.3%, which increased the digestibility of organic matter by 2.5%, crude protein by 3.9% (p≤0.05), crude fat by 2.9%, crude fiber and BER by 1.9 and 2.6%, respectively, in young rabbits, with intensive rearing on meat. It was found that in the body of animals of the experimental group, which were fed as part of the feed additive of TC VMP in the amount of 3.5%, the ratio between the amount of nitrogen absorbed from the consumed rabbits of this experimental group was dominated by animals from the control group by 2.92% 0.05). Thus, research data indicate a positive effect of feed additive TC VMP on the growth and development of young rabbits of New Zealand breed.