International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (Jun 2007)
Correction: five-year predictors of physical activity decline among adults in low-income communities: a prospective study
Abstract After publication it was brought to our attention that the information for one of the variables in Table 1 was incorrect (Weiss, O'Loughlin et al. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2007, 4:2). The variable in question is "Use of a neighborhood facility for activity". In the first column, the first row should read "yes", and the second row, "no". In the second column, the first row should read 25.8 (41) and the second row, 41.3 (152). Table 1 Unadjusted and adjusted Odds Ratios for potential predictors of becoming inactive [1]. Potential predictor Participants who became inactive Unadjusted OR (95% CI) Adjusted OR (95% CI) Sex, % (n) Male 31.1 (77) 1.00 (Ref.) 1.00 (Ref.) Female 41.6 (116) 1.58 (1.10, 2.27) 1.63 (1.09, 2.43) Age (years), mean (SD) 39.5 (12.2) 1.03 (1.01, 1.05) 1.02 (1.01, 1.04) Self-rated health, % (n) Excellent 29.8 (50) 1.70 (1.35, 2.16) 1.39 (1.05, 1.84) Good 32.6 (84) Average 57.8 (48) Poor/Very poor 64.7 (11) BMIa, % (n) 32.1 (117) 1.00 (Ref.) 1.00 (Ref.) =25 46.6 (76) 1.84 (1.26, 2.69) 1.57 (1.03, 2.40) Smoking status, % (n) Current smoker 37.5 (77) 1.00 (Ref.) 1.00 (Ref.) Past/Never smoker 36.2 (121) 1.06 (0.73, 1.53) 0.98 (0.78, 1.23) Income, % (n) 39.5 (68) 0.82 (0.65, 1.03) 0.95 (0.73, 1.24) 20,000–40,000 35.8 (62) 40,000+ 30.2 (42) Self-efficacy score, mean (SD) 2.2 (0.6) 1.61 (1.20, 2.26) 1.46 (1.00, 2.14) Use of a neighborhood facility for activity, % (n) Yes 25.8 (41) 1.00 (Ref.) 1.00 (Ref.) No 41.3 (152) 2.03 (1.34, 3.06) 1.61 (1.02, 2.55) Education, % (n) Elementary/some secondary 52.6 (50) 0.74 (0.63, 0.86) N/A* Completed secondary/some college 40.2 (47) Completed college 32.5 (27) Some post-secondary 29.8 (67) Receives encouragement for activity, % (n) No 35.2 (113) 1.00 (Ref.) N/A* Yes 38.5 (79) 0.87 (0.60, 1.25) aBody Mass Index * Not included in final model