Results in Physics (Apr 2022)
A novel fractal-fractional order model for the understanding of an oscillatory and complex behavior of human liver with non-singular kernel
Scientists and researchers are increasingly interested in numerical simulations of infections with non-integer orders. It is self-evident that conventional epidemiological systems can be given in a predetermined order, but fractional-order derivative systems are not stable orders. The fractional derivative proves increasingly effective in representing real-world issues when it has a non-fixed order. Various novel fractional operator notions, including special functions in the kernel, have been presented in recent decades, which transcend the constraints of prior fractional order derivatives. These novel operators have been shown to be useful in simulating scientific and technical challenges. The fractal-fractional operator is a relatively modern fractional calculus operator that has been proposed. Besides that, we propose a new technique and implement it in a human liver model and want to investigate its dynamics. In the context of this novel operator, we demonstrate certain interesting findings for the human liver model. The findings of the uniqueness and existence will be revealed. We describe modeling estimates for the proposed model using an innovative numerical method that has never been used before for a human liver model of this type. Additionally, graphical illustrations are demonstrated for both fractal and fractional orders. It is expected that the fractal-fractional approach is more invigorating and effective for epidemic models than the fractional operator.