Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo (Dec 2017)

Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks

  • Cicero da Silva,
  • Ilário Dias Cardoso Filho

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 1
pp. 76 – 103


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In this paper, the goal is to analyse history textbooks (LDH) used by Elementary School (6th grade) in rural schools located in the municipality of Tocantinópolis-TO. Considering that the training in the Rural Education perspective has made it possible to recognize and value knowledge and culture, seeking the emancipation of the peasants, this investigation of the selected teaching material includes an analysis of the following elements of the textbooks: (1) contents; (2) activities; (3) teacher-student interaction; and (4) images. The research is of bibliographic nature and qualitative approach. The corpus consists of two LDHs: one produced for the Programa Escola Ativa and another for schools located in urban areas, but also used in the rural schools of research context. In view of the reality of rural schools and the social, political and economic context in which the peasants have lived, the research results have revealed that only one of the LDHs analyzed follows the principles defended by Rural Education.
