INCAS Bulletin (Jun 2022)
A Possible Way to Unify Four Types of Interactions: Gravitational, Electromagnetic, Nuclear and Electroweak Interactions by using a Hydrodynamic Analogy
A principle of equivalence and a unique particle are used for a possible unification of four types of interaction. For gravity, the hydrodynamic analog consists of the interaction of two sources, giving attraction for both emission and absorption. For electromagnetics, sources and vortices are used together with the formula Biot-Savart- Laplace. For nuclear forces, the HD equivalent of pi-mesons (Yukawa) is given. As electroweak interaction, the beta decay for neutron and proton via their quark structure is considered. The unique connecting particle used is called HD-graviton, a photon-like particle having the wave length of the Universe radius at a certain age of the Universe.