Medisur (Feb 2019)
Social responsibilities of the Cuban University in the formation of Bolivian doctors
Part of the policy of the Cuban Medical Universities is the formation of foreign students which meet the requirements of agreements between countries or by self-financing. The University of Medical Sciences has graduated more than 2400 young doctors of 69 countries in its more than thirty years of formation programs, among them Bolivians. At more than a decade of the Bolivian youngsters to Cienfuegos and as part of the fulfillment of the medical collaboration in The Republic of Bolivia, of those who were their teachers and leaders, this work states to value the consolidation of the formation in Cuba for Bolivian doctors from their working profiles according to the different health programs they develop. To comply with this objective, interviews to graduates were realized, there were scientific events together with the Cuban Medical Brigade, in a National postgraduate course and an assessment of their present working positions was done.