Nutrición Hospitalaria (Feb 2011)

Análisis de las encuestas sobre etiquetado nutricional realizadas en el Hospital La Paz de Madrid durante la 9ª edición del "Día Nacional de la Nutrición (DNN) 2010" Knowledge of nutrition labelling in general population. Assessment surveys conducted in La Paz University Hospital in Madrid during the 9th "National Nutrition Day 2010"

  • V. Loria Kohen,
  • A. Pérez Torres,
  • C. Fernández Fernández,
  • M. Villarino Sanz,
  • D. Rodríguez Durán,
  • L. Zurita Rosa,
  • L. Bermejo López,
  • C. Gómez Candela

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 26, no. 1
pp. 97 – 106


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Introducción: El etiquetado nutricional es toda la información en relación con el valor energético y los nutrientes que componen al alimento y representa una valiosa herramienta para ayudar a los consumidores a tomar decisiones informadas acerca de su dieta y estilo de vida. Sin embargo, es poco conocido como percibe el consumidor esta información. Objetivos: Conocer el grado de información de la población encuestada sobre el etiquetado nutricional y evaluar aspectos como atención, lectura, comprensión y uso del mismo. Materiales y métodos: 200 voluntarios que asistieron el día 28 de mayo de 2010 (Día Nacional de la Nutrición DNN) al Hospital La Paz y completaron un cuestionario sobre etiquetado nutricional autoadministrado, consistente en 10 preguntas cerradas de opción múltiple. Resultados: El colectivo entrevistado (66,7% mujeres y 33,3% hombres) presentaba una edad media de 42,0 ± 15 años y un IMC de 24,1 ± 3,8 kg/m2. Un 86,5% tenía estudios medios y superiores. Un 77,1% conocía el concepto del etiquetado nutricional. El porcentaje fue significativamente mayor entre aquellos con estudios superiores (primarios 7,1%, medios 32,1% y superiores 60,9%; p Introduction: Nutrition labelling (NL) provides information on the energy and nutrients in a food and it represents a valuable tool to help consumers make informed decisions about their diet and lifestyle. However, little is known about how consumers perceive the nutrition labelling information. Objectives: Evaluate the knowledge of NL of a population survey and examine aspects such as attention, reading, understanding and utility. Material and methods: 200 volunteers were interviewed about NL on National Nutrition Day (NND) on May 28, 2010 at the La Paz University Hospital in Madrid. The questionnaire was self-administered and this contained 10 closed multiple choice questions. Results: The surveyed group (66.7% women and 33.3% men) had a mean age of 42.0 ± 15 years and a BMI of 24.1 ± 3.8 kg/m². A percentage of 86.5% had completed secondary and higher education. The concept about NL was knocked by 77.1% of them. This percentage was significantly higher according to the level of their studies (primary 7.1%, secondary 32.1% and higher studies 60,9%; p < 0,0001) and also regarding the age range (42.3% vs. 25% of over that 50, p < 0.05). 73.8% always or almost always readied NL; 67.7% of those who declared that always readied were women and 71% had higher education. 53.8% of people over 50 years were not capable of reading labels due to the small letters. The most interesting information for the consumers was: calories (61%), fats (39%) and cholesterol (25.7%). Nutritional concepts questions had a low percentage of right answers, especially in volunteers with lower level of education and among older age groups. Conclusions: Results show that consumers have a low level of nutrition information that would enable a better choice to purchase food. Nutrition education is needed should be necessary to NL had a significant impact on the foods election. Therefore, this fact could contribute to the maintenance of health and disease prevention.
