Journal of Curriculum Studies (Sep 2019)
從二十一世紀關鍵能力的養成論以專案式學習促進核心素養 On Competency-Based Curriculum and Instruction Through Project-Based Learning Based on the Empirical Evidences of the Implementation of 21st Century Skills
為實踐《十二年國民基本教育課程綱要總綱》所強調的核心素養,處於第一線教學現場的教師亟需參照相關課程設計策略並藉以轉化,以落實三面九項核心素養的全人發展。本研究首先檢視我國核心素養內涵與美國所強調的關鍵能力或共通性素養進行比較及討論,發現核心素養內涵與二十一世紀關鍵能力具高度相似度。進一步檢視二十一世紀關鍵能力所對應的課程設計與教學策略時,發現「專案式學習」是最常被提及的有效學習策略之一,其以學習者為中心的學習模式、強調歷程中學習的策略等,也與我國素養導向課程設計原則相仿,兩者均強調連結生活情 境、課程設計兼具學習內容與歷程、學生自主學習等。本研究主張,專案式學習為促進美國二十一世紀關鍵能力養成的可行方式,而我國核心素養與其關鍵能力內涵高度相似,因此亦有助於促進核心素養之養成。值此新課綱實施之際,鼓勵中、小學教師掌握專案式學習的策略,對落實新課綱倡議的素養導向課程設計,具參考價值。 In order to put the Curriculum Guideline for 12-Year Basic Education into place, developing the curriculum design model of key competences is very important. Partnership for 21st century skills highlighted that every learner need to develop key skills for 21st century. In this aspect, the key competences in the new curriculum guideline stresses a rationale similar to the 21st century skills. One of useful strategies for developing 21st century skills is project-based learning (PBL). PBL provides a learnercentered model and emphasizes the importance of learning in process. Comparing those features of PBL and curriculum design for implementing key competences in the new curriculum guideline for grade 1-12, both models highlights connecting context in life, balancing knowledge and process, and self-learning. This paper argues that as a useful strategy for achieving the 21st century skills shown by many empirical research evidences, PBL is recommended to be adopted by teachers for implementing key competencies. It is, therefore, importance to highlight the ideas and practice of PBL when the new curriculum guideline will be officially introduced in 2019.