Nursing Open (Jan 2020)

Linking transformational leadership, patient safety culture and work engagement in home care services

  • Eline Ree,
  • Siri Wiig

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 1
pp. 256 – 264


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Abstract Aim To assess the relationship between transformational leadership, job demands, job resources, patient safety culture and work engagement in home care services. Design Cross‐sectional survey. Methods Healthcare professionals in Norwegian home care services participated in the study (N = 139). Multiple regression analyses with patient safety culture and work engagement as outcomes and transformational leadership, job demands, job resources as predictors were conducted. Results The transformational leadership model explained 35.7% of the variance in patient safety culture. Adding job demands and resources and work engagement to the model increased the explained variance to 53.5%. The job resource “skill utilization” was the strongest predictor of work engagement. The full model with all predictor variables explained 28.2% of work engagement. Conclusion Transformational leadership has a significant impact on patient safety culture and work engagement in home care services. Employees' perceptions of job demands, available resources and engagement also affect patient safety culture.
