Acta Medica Iranica (Aug 2009)
Comparing chest Radiograph and Tuberculin Skin Tests in Children
World Health organization (WHO) has reported that out of more than 10,000 of 250,000 tuberculosis afflicted children die annually. Pulmonary tuberculosis is a research priority in our country, and diagnos-ing this disease especially in children who are known as the major transmitter of the disease is rather difficult. As a result, it was decided to conduct an overall assessment on this age group in order to determine the importance of the findings of chest radiography and skin test in diagnosing the disease. The present descriptive study was carried out based on the findings of a health plan in Fasa , a Iranian town, during 1995 and 1996, on 2 groups: first-grade students of Fasa elementary schools. Among 2263 students, 102 (4.5%) cases had a positive skin test. According to the radiographic findings, tuberculosis was reported in seven (6.9%) of them. The diagnosis of tuberculosis is more difficult in children; this is because taking sputum samples for laboratory examination is rather difficult especially in children lower than 10 years. In this group, diagnosis is made based on the symptoms like cough, weight loss, history of contact with a TB patient and other diagnostic procedures including chest radiographies and skin test.