Iranian Journal of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering (Dec 1992)

Determination of the Stability Constant of Vanadium (V) with Alaine

  • Saeed Abedini Khorrami,
  • Farrokh Gharib,
  • Karim Zare,
  • Hossein Aghai

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 2
pp. 19 – 24


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Formation equilibria of dioxy vanadium (V) complex with alanine in acidic media (pH<2.3) has been investigated potentiometrically and spectrophotometrically. In this condition the 1:1 complex has the formula VO2Y, where Y¯ represent the fully dissociated aminocarboxylate anion. The stability constant of VO2Y was determined as log KVO2Y=11.32±0.35 at 25±0.1 °C and I=1 mol per liter of sodium perchlorate. The protonation constant of alanine was also determined poteniumetrically under above condition.
