Zbornik Radova Akademije Umetnosti (Jan 2023)
Interior landscapes in the film 'The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser'
This paper, presented as a case study, delves into the exploration of the interior landscapes depicted in the film The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser (1974), directed by Werner Herzog. Under a conceptually-hypothetical framework, the paper proposes the thesis that these interior landscapes effectively convey the affective and cognitive experiences of the main character, serving as a visual representation of his dreams. Employing a critical approach, the analysis draws analogies and comparisons with sources and influences from art history, psychology, aesthetics, and film theory, with the aim of investigating the success of Herzog's method and its recognition as an independent cinematic element in his works. Ultimately, this research endeavors to confirm the hypothesis of Herzog's use of interior landscapes as a cinematic device to externalize the characters' inner lives and visualize the dynamics of their dreams.