Jurnal Agripet (Oct 2016)
Efek Penggunaan Sinbiotik Terhadap Kondisi Miklofora dan Histologi Usus Ayam Sentul Jantan
ABSTRAK. Sinbiotik merupakan gabungan dari probiotik dan prebiotik yang dapat memperbaiki mikroflora di saluran pencernaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi penggunaan sinbiotik sebagai feed aditif terhadap jumlah Bakteri Asam Laktat (BAL), Escherichia colli, histologi tinggi dan lebar vili usus. Perlakuan R0 = Pakan kontrol, R1 Sinbiotik alami (2%), R2 = Sinbiotik Alami (4%), R3 = Sinbiotik Alami (6%), R4 = Sinbiotik Komersil (2%), R5 = Sinbiotik Komersil (4%), R6 = Sinbiotik Komersil (6%). Analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah ANOVA (Analisis Varian) dan uji lanjut menggunakan Orthogonal kontras. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian sinbiotik alami berpengaruh nyata (P0,05) terhadap kondisi mikroflora usus, meningkatkan jumlah bakteri asam laktat, dan menurunkan jumlah Escherichia colli) sedangkan pemberian perlakuan sinbiotik alami berpengaruh nyata (P0,05) terhadap histologi tinggi dan lebar vili usus. Simpulan dari penelitian adalah penggunaan Sinbiotik Alami 2% dapat meningkatkan, jumlah bakteri asam laktat di duodenum, jejenum dan ileum, menurunkan bakteri Escherichia colli di ileum. Penggunaan sinbiotik komersil 4% meningkatkan, tinggi vili usus duodenum, jejenum dan ileum, dan lebar vili di ileum. (Effect synbiotic usage toward microbiological and hystological states of sentul rooster intestine) ABSTRACT. Symbiotic is a combination of probiotic and prebiotic used to improve microflora in digestive system. This study aims to evaluate the symbiotic usage as a feed additive toward the number of lactic acid bacteria, Escherichia coli, the height and the width of villi. Treatment R0 = Diet control, R1 Natural Symbiotic (2%), R2 = Natural Symbiotic (4%), R3 = Natural Symbiotic (6%), R4 = Commercial Symbiotic (2%), R5 = Commercial Symbiotic (4%), R6 = Commercial Symbiotic (6%). Statistical analysis uses ANOVA (Analysis of Variant), while further test uses orthogonal contrast. The result showed that the given symbiotic was significantly (P0,05) effect toward the condition of intestinal microflora, it increases the number of lactic acid bacteria and decreases Escherichia coli, as well as the treatment (P0,05) toward histology of the height and the width of intestinal villi. As the conclusion, the use of 2% of natural symbiotic increases the amount of lactic acid bacteria in duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, but reduces Escherichia coli in ileum, the height of intestinal villi in duodenum and the width of intestinal villi in ileum, and administered 4% of commercial symbiotic increases the height of intestinal villi in duodenum, jejunum, ileum and the width of intestinal villi in ileum.