MedUNAB (Jul 2015)
Síndrome de Cotard asociado a Trastorno Depresivo Mayor con síntomas catatónicos. Informe de caso / Cotard Syndrome Associated to Major Depressive Disorder with Catatonic Symptoms. Case report / Síndrome de Cotard associada ao transtorno depressivo maior com sintomas catatônicos. Relato de caso
Introduction: Catatonia is a neuropsychiatric syndrome with abnormal postures, mutism and stupor. Colombia has a prevalence of 11.4% of psychiatric patients. Objective: To discuss the clinical curse of a 34-year-old woman with major depressive disorder that presents to emergency department with nihilistic delirium and catatonic symptoms. Case presentation: A young woman with history of unipolar major depression with psychotic features was hospitalized nine months ago. She was medicated with a pharmacological treatment she did not remember. At admission, the patient had three days of bizarre behavior, mutism and negativism. Paraclinics and brain computer tomography did not report any abnormality or changes. Treatment began with benzodiazepine, which achieved full remission of catatonic symptoms. After this, she developed anhedonia, sadness and nihilistic delusions and was considered as a relapse of a previous depressive episode from nine months ago, associated with Cotard’s syndrome. Sertraline was added with gradual increase to 100mg and 5mg of olanzapine, getting a complete remission of psychotic and mood symptoms. Discussion: Affective disorders are most common cause of catatonia. There has already been a history of similar reports, but in few times these three entities were associated; this is the first case reported in Hospital Universitario de Santander, with informed consent. Conclusions: It is unusual for a depressed patient to present denial delusions and catatonic symptoms simultaneously; therefore this case is unusual and may contribute to literature. The catatonic symptoms make it difficult to explore other mental spheres, though they may be secondary to a medical condition, therefore, it is essential to dismiss organic pathologies and give initial treatment, so we can discover the underlying etiopsychopathology. [Torrado-Arenas DM, Santos-Gutiérrez KE, Ruiz-Higuera SM, Zabala-Arias LM, Niño-García JA. Síndrome de Cotard asociado a Trastorno Depresivo Mayor con síntomas catatónicos. Informe de caso. MedUNAB 2016;18(1): 76-80]. Introduction: Catatonia is a neuropsychiatric syndrome with abnormal postures, mutism and stupor. Colombia has a prevalence of 11.4% of psychiatric patients. Objective: To discuss the clinical curse of a 34-year-old woman with major depressive disorder that presents to emergency department with nihilistic delirium and catatonic symptoms. Case presentation: A young woman with history of unipolar major depression with psychotic features was hospitalized nine months ago. She was medicated with a nonspecific medical treatment. At the admission the patient had three days of bizarre behavior, mutism and negativism. Paraclinics and brain computer tomography didn’t report any abnormality or changes. Treatment began with benzodiazepine, which achieved full remission of catatonic symptoms. After this, she developed anhedonia, sadness and nihilistic delusions and was considered as a relapse of a previous depressive episode from nine months ago, associated with Cotard’s syndrome. Sertraline was added with gradual increase to 100mg and 5mg of olanzapine, getting a complete remission of psychotic and mood symptoms. Discussion: Affective disorders are most common cause of catatonia. There has already been a history of similar reports, but in few times this three entities were associated; this is the first case reported in Hospital Universitario de Santander, with informed consent. Conclusions: It is unusual for a depressed patient to present denial delusions and catatonic symptoms simultaneously; therefore this case is unusual and may contribute to literature. The catatonic symptoms make it difficult to explore other mental spheres, though they may be secondary to a medical condition, therefore, it is essential to dismiss organic pathologies and give initial treatment, so we can discover the underlying etiopsychopathology. [Torrado-Arenas DM, Santos-Gutiérrez KE, Ruiz-Higuera SM, Zabala-Arias LM, Niño-García JA. Cotard’s syndrome associated to major depressive disorder with catatonic symptoms. Case report. MedUNAB 2016;18(1): 76-80]. Introdução: A catatonia é uma síndrome neuropsiquiátrica com posturas anormais, silêncio e estupor. A Colômbia tem uma prevalência de 11,4% de pacientes psiquiátricos. Objetivo: Discutir o caso clínico de uma mulher de 34 anos com uma história de transtorno depressivo maior que chega ao departamento de emergência com delírios niilistas e os sintomas catatônicos. Relato de caso: Foi relatado o caso de uma jovem adulta com transtorno depressivo maior e sintomas psicóticos que tinha sido hospitalizada nove meses antes, a quem deram alta com tratamento medicamentoso que ela não se lembrava. A paciente chegou ao pronto socorro do Hospital Universitário de Santander, apresentando três dias de um comportamento incomum, mutismo e negativismo. Exames laboratoriais e tomografia do crânio normal. O tratamento foi iniciado com uma benzodiacepina que a remeteu aos sintomas catatônicos. Posteriormente demonstrou anedonia, tristeza e delírios niilistas; considerou-se que seu estado correspondia a uma recorrência de episódio depressivo, começado nove meses antes, relacionado com a síndrome de Cotard. Gradualmente a paciente foi medicada com sertralina de 150,0 mg a 5,0 mg e olanzapina de 5.0 mg, obtendo a remissão dos sintomas afetivos e psicóticos. Discussão: A desordem afetiva é a causa mais comum de catatonia. Há relatos semelhantes, embora poucos onde coexistam os três sintomas; este é o primeiro caso relatado no Hospital Universitário de Santander, com prévio consentimento informado. Conclusões: É incomum para uma pessoa deprimida ter delírios de negação e sintomas catatônicos simultaneamente, de modo que este caso, por ser único, gera novidade para a literatura. No caso, os sintomas catatônicos dificultam a exploração de outras esferas mentais e podem ser considerados secundários a uma condição médica, motivo pelo qual é essencial excluir causas orgânicas, tratá-los prontamente e assim esclarecer a psicopatologia subjacente. [Torrado-Arenas DM, Santos-Gutiérrez KE, Ruiz-Higuera SM, Zabala -Arias LM, Niño-García JA. Síndrome de Cotard associada ao transtorno depressivo maior com sintomas catatônicos. Relato de caso. MedUNAB 2016; 18 (1): 76-80].