Heliyon (Oct 2022)
Vertical profile of dissolved oxygen and associated water variables in the Pasur-Rupsha estuary of Bangladesh
Vertical profile of dissolved oxygen (DO) and associated water variables were measured in the head of the Pasur-Rupsha estuary of Bangladesh. Water samples were collected from two stations at 0.60 m depth intervals during high and low tides from July, 2016 to January, 2017. DO concentration was ranged from 6.0 to 8.6 mg/l with maximum two units of variation in the profiles of the stations and demonstrated an inconsistent stratification pattern. The observed stratification pattern was remarkably triggered by a relatively high concentration of DO in the bottom layer than that of the surface layer during both the high and low tides in most of the study periods. High rate of freshwater flow at the surface; existence of estuarine gravitational circulation with 5–15 m depth profile; and lack of consumers in the bottom due to the high deposition of sediment particles were found responsible for the relatively high concentration of DO at bottom and low in surface layer of the estuary. Water temperature, salinity, pH, phytoplankton density and transparency were ranged from 22 to 32 °C, 0–6 ppt, 7.0 to 8.5, 1000–23000 ind/l and 13–17 cm respectively considering the depth profiles in the study periods. Temperature and plankton density were found significantly (P 0.3) correlation. The ecosystem process associated with the vertical profile of DO explained in this study will provide considerable advances in understanding the ecosystem dynamics of the Pasur-Rupsha Estuary of Bangladesh.