中西医结合护理 (Apr 2023)

Five-element music therapy combined with acupoint massage and nursing management for a patient with postherpetic neuralgia (五行音乐联合穴位按摩治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛1例的护理体会)

  • FENG Shuang (冯爽),
  • SUN Mingli (孙明丽),
  • SUN Lei (孙磊),
  • TANG Ling (唐玲)

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 4
pp. 118 – 121


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This paper reviewed the clinical data of a patient with postherpetic neuralgia, summarized the intervention effect of five-element music therapy and acupoint massage and related nursing measures. Five-element music theory was conducted under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine, combined with manipulation massage on selected acupoints. Comprehensive nursing interventions such as dietary guidance and emotional care were carried out to improve treatment efficacy of pain relief in patients with postherpetic neuralgia. (本文总结1例五行音乐联合穴位按摩治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛(PHN)患者的护理经验, 通过辨证施乐, 给予患者聆听音乐, 并选取相关穴位进行手法按摩, 同时配合饮食护理、情志护理等综合干预措施, 有效改善PHN患者疼痛症状。)
