Stomatološki glasnik Srbije (Jan 2018)
Efficiency of root canal cleaning using a single instrument with reciprocating motion systems and full rotation systems: SEM study
Introduction Efficient cleaning and canal design present a basic precondition for successful endodontic treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate, using SEM analysis, the efficacy of cleaning the apical third of the canal with one instrument in both reciprocating motion and full rotation systems. Materials and methods Thirty (30) single-rooted teeth (upper incisors), extracted due to periodontal problems, were used and selected in 2 groups. In the group 1, instrumentation was done with a single instrument UNICONE with reciprocal movements (MEDIN, Czech Republic), while in the group 2, a single instrument XPS endo SHAPER (XPS) (FKG, Dentaire, Swiss) with full rotation was used. 2% solution of NaOCl and 17% EDTA solution were used as irrigation agents in both groups. SEM analysis of the smear layer in the apical third was done at standard magnification of 1000x and presented on a scale of 1-5. Results showed mostly clean canal walls and no smear layer in the apical region in both tested groups. Canal walls were somewhat cleaner after using UNICONE with reciprocal movements (80%) compared to the canals instrumented with XPS ENDO SHAPER (76%), but this difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion Single-file NiTi systems did not remove smear layer completely, but provided efficient cleaning in the api-cal part of the canal. UNICONE file with reciprocal movements was somewhat more efficient in removing the smear layer compared to the full rotation XPS ENDO SHAPER file.