Bothalia: African Biodiversity & Conservation (Aug 2005)
Ovule-to-seed development in <i>Dovyalis caffra</i> (Salicaceae: Flacourtieae) with notes on the taxonomic significance of the extranucellar embryo sac
Dovyalis caffra (Hook.f. & Harv.) Hook.f. is a widespread and horticulturally important southern African endemic. Here described, ovule-to-seed development represents the first embryological information on this genus of the tribe Flacourtieae, Salicaceae sensu lato. Results are discussed in the light of data available on the embryology of the order Malpighiales in general and on the tribe Flacourtieae in particular. It is clear that Dovyalis E.Mey. ex Am. shares many characters with other members of the Flacourtieae. Ovules of D. caffra are anatropous. bitegmic and crassinucellate with both bisporic Allium- and monosporic Polygonum-type embryo sacs. One of the most characteristic embryological features of the tribe is the presence of an unusual, extranucellar embryo sac that stretches halfway up into the micropyle. Since this extraordinary-shaped embryo sac also defines the embryo sacs of Salix L. and Populus L., it is suggested that the character provides strong support for the proposed close phylogenetic link between tribes Flacourtieae and Saliceae of Salicaceae sensu lato.